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執筆者の写真MukoGuchi IP Law Firm

…such things as …

(「英語対訳で学ぶ日本-歴史と文化の111項目」(育鵬社)の074「世界恐慌と行き詰まった日本」The Worldwide Great Depression and a Deadlocked Japanから)


There was marked competition and opposition between Japan and the United States over such things as the Chinese market. … The world economy was split into blocs and Japanese trade was reduced.

語彙:marked 形 際立った、著しい(mark記号を付ける→目立つ、際立つ、)

over(ロングマン英英辞典参照)(10 CONCERNING =about a particular subject, person, or thing)多岐に渡るoverの意味の中で、concerning(~関する)に近いニュアンス:~をめぐって)例文:He is having problems over his income tax.

【2】質問:over such things, splitなどについての文法的解釈は?



There was marked competition and opposition(著しい競争と対立があった。)

between Japan and the United States(日米間で)

over such things as the Chinese market.(中国市場などに関して、中国市場などをめぐって)

The world economy was split into blocs(世界経済は複数ブロックに引き裂かれた)


Japanese trade was reduced.(日本の貿易は縮小した)


* and以下の文章もbe reducedと受動態になっており、be splitが受動態となっていることと対応している。

They split the world economy into blocs. → The world economy was split into blocks (by them).

【4】such asの用法

1.典型例 such as …

「such as」は文「例えば...など」という意味で具体例を挙げるときに用いる。

・such as A

・such as A and B

・such as A, B and C

・such as A, B, C and D

例文:I like fruits such as apples, oranges and pineapples.


I like such fruits as apples, oranges and pineapples.



There was competition over such things as the Chinese market.

=There was competition over things such as the Chinese market, …, …, and ….






(「15時間で速習 英語耳」松澤喜好著 例文69から) 【1】原文: Don’t judge your wife’s decision. 【2】質問:wife’sの発音は[s]か[z]か? 【3】検討 (1)今はどうか知らないが、中高時代の英語の定期テストでは発音の問題とい...

引用文中の「to prove that … but it proved …」の構造

(「英語対訳で学ぶ日本-歴史と文化の111項目」(育鵬社)の083「アジアの独立」Independence for Asianから) 【1】原文:The significance of this Japanese achievement is, as English...


(「英語対訳で学ぶ日本-歴史と文化の111項目」(育鵬社)の079「沖縄戦」The Battle of Okinawaから) 【1】原文: Among those who died were middle school boys and female students...


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