(「英語対訳で学ぶ日本-歴史と文化の111項目」(育鵬社)の079「沖縄戦」The Battle of Okinawaから)
Among those who died were middle school boys and female students who lost their lives fighting alongside the military, …
語彙:among〈仲間・同類〉の中の一人[一つ]で She's among the prize winners. 彼女は受賞者の一人だ。 alongside前置詞〔仕事などを〕~と一緒に、~と協力して
Among ~(前置詞+名詞(代名詞)=副詞)が主語になることはない。→ 倒置が起こっている。 → 通常の文章に戻してみると、以下のようになる。
Middle school boys and female students who lost their lives fighting alongside the military were among those who died.
① Middle school boys and female students(中学生と女学生)
② who lost their lives fighting alongside the military(軍と一緒に戦ってその命を落としたところの)
③ were among those who died.(①+②は、死んだ者達の(集団の)中にいた。)
Middle school boys and female students who lost their lives fighting alongside the military were among those who died.
Among those who died were middle school boys and female students who lost their lives fighting alongside the military.
*Among~用法のみならず、それに続く「those who~(~する人々)」の関係代名詞の用法に馴染じむことも、今回の倒置構造を一瞬に把握するためには必要かもしれない。これにより、「Among those who died+were+~」の構造の理解が容易なる。