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執筆者の写真MukoGuchi IP Law Firm

Topics of Japanese history-Gempei era


(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow)

<源平合戦、Gempei era>

In the interval of Fight in Yashima, the young expert of longbow of Gemji shot the folding fan which the court lady of Heisi had raised up highly on the ship.

This symbolizes Heisi that depended on sea power in western country and Genji that composed of horse army of eastern country. In addition, Heisi escaped to the west from Kobe to Yashima and Shimonoseki on Seto Inland Sea. It is also symbolic that Shimonoseki at west end of this sea were stages of the begin and end of Age of Samurai (Dannoura of 1185 and Choshu War of 1866).




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