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My recent topics and interests, Episode 7

(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow)

<Interest of potteries and porcelains>

Handmade Shigaraki style potteries closely tied to the daily lives of people have not only familiar ease and comfort but also various beauties. "The warmth of soil, hands and fire of Six Old Kilns of Japan" (including Shigaraki) and "the supreme beauty of Song Celadon" are two vertices of potteries and porcelains but they are opposite to each other.

① The Japanese idea for pottery and porcelain "Doing nothing" is doing.

・Many warriors and feudal lords of Azuchi-Momoyama era who survived longly lasting wars with their wisdoms and powers loved tea ceremony seeking for their peace of mind. (

・The spirit of tea ceremony "Wabi-sabi"(侘び寂び) can be said plain and quiet SECLUSION LIFE with nature. There is nothing to lose. In Japan and China, seclusion to the country was regarded as one ideal of those who succeeded in society (there is a similar idea in England).

・As tools of tea ceremony, Shigaraki pottery continue to be loved by tea masters of Urasenke (茶陶信楽).

・"Kesiki" (景色, scenery, texture, flavor) that the earth, fire and glaze themselves draws out evokes a imagined scenery like "sansuiga"(山水画) to the viewer. Such as steep mountains and rocks and infinite shape of air and water flow, etc.

"Sansuiga" is the art of drawing air and water. I heard that Leonardo da Vinci said that "It is not a sculpture but a picture that can draw air" because of sour grapes to Michelangelo. And surely, in the background of Mona Lisa, there is a taste similar to "sansuiga".

・Sansuiga whuch draws nature and its four seasons, as well as some people with nature and their secluded living is a major trend of Japanese art. This microcosm is also affecting numerous wonderful gardens of temples in Kyoto.

・Japanese culture tends to hate artificialities and bothersome of excessive technique.

③ The beauty of use

Tools should be useful for people and their lives. Thus they also have functional beauty.

④ Divinity of vessels

・During the Younger Dryas Cold Event(12,800 to 15,500 years ago), people around Japan Sea made the earthenware for the first time in the world. Using them, they stored and boiled the gifts of the forests and rivers (acorns and salmon) so as to settle and endure the extreme cold winter in Eastern Eurasia.

・The patterns of Jomon pottery (See the photo below) are very emotional, and attachment to Japanese vessels is still primordial.

・Japanese belief as "A god also dwells in the tool" seems to have existed since thanks for the world's first earthenware and the grace of God and nature stored in those. Not only masters of traditional crafts but also engineers still have a feeling similar to this. Anyway, according to Japan's polytheism, numerous Gods dwell in all things in nature (森羅万象).





宮内 直(技術士、工学博士、機械学会フェロー) 地方公立名門高校の卒業生は人間力と好奇心・地頭が強く伸び代が大。率直で元気で挑戦的、ストレス・逆境に強く、様々の境遇の仕事相手の懐へ初対面でも飛込む。また地方の親達は「子供は何とか国立大学へ」と懸命に働き、子供もその感謝で社会に出て勤勉なので企業に人気。地方創生が最近よく話題になるが、明治の近代化から戦後復興・高度成長は、江戸時代の全264藩(領邦)


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人間、「はい、ここまで」という日は来る。 突然来る(交通事故など)。 一定期間の予告をもって来る場合もある(癌の告知後数か月から数年など。)。 病床に2、3日臥せれば、あっという間の身体の衰えを意識する。 身体、頭、目、手、足を動かしての命である。 「はいここまで」が来るまで、毎日、身体、頭、目、手、足を動かすことだ。 それは試験の1時間と同じだ。一生は試験の1時間だ。 「はいここまで」と言われる

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