(「英語対訳で学ぶ日本-歴史と文化の111項目」(育鵬社)の070「明治の文化」Culture During the Meiji Periodから)
In science, too, there was an energetic movement to learn from the West and contribute to Japan’s development, with Noguchi Hideo and Kitasato Shibasaburo active in bacteriology.
語彙:active〔人や活動が〕活発な bacteriology細菌学
【2】疑問:with … active は、いわゆる「付帯状況を表すwith」か。
He was there with his mouth open.(彼は口を開けてそこに居た。)
He was there with his coat on.(彼はコートを着たままそこに居た。)
He was there with a cigarette in his mouth.(彼はタバコをくわえながらそこに居た。)
He was there with his hair streaming.(彼は髪をなびかせてそこ居た。)
He was there with his legs crossed.(彼は脚を組んでそこに居た。)
2.付帯状況のwithというと堅苦しいが、with のコアイメージ(「~と一緒に、~と共に」→「ある状況と共に」)と捉えることでよい。そして、2つの状況は同時に起こっていると考える。
・He was there.
・His mouth was open.
結合させると、He was there with his mouth open.
・In science, too, there was an energetic movement to learn from the West and contribute to Japan’s development.
・Noguchi Hideo and Kitasato Shibasaburo were active in bacteriology.
「In science, too, there was an energetic movement to learn from the West and contribute to Japan’s development, with Noguchi Hideo and Kitasato Shibasaburo active in bacteriology.」