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MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月11日読了時間: 3分
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) 5日の北京も真青な空と暖かな日射、清の離宮だった清華大学構内のイチョウは真っ黄色に色付く。鄭さんにご案内頂いた清華芸術博物...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月10日読了時間: 3分
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) 私は10 数回目、妻は3 回目の北京だが、11月4日の北京は真青に澄みきった広空の下。ふと7年前の2012年の西直門で、秋...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月9日読了時間: 2分
Topics of Japanese history-Shimanami Kaido
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <松山市と島並み海道 Matsuyama city and Shimanami Kaido> Matsuyama and...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月8日読了時間: 1分
Topics of Japanese history-Matsuyama city
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <松山市と島並み海道 Matsuyama city and Shimanami Kaido> My hometown...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月7日読了時間: 1分
Topics of Japanese history-Mongolian Invasions
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <元寇、Mongolian Invasions> After Mongolia conquered China...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月6日読了時間: 1分
Topics of Japanese history-Gempei era
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <源平合戦、Gempei era> In the interval of Fight in Yashima, the...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月5日読了時間: 1分
Topics of Japanese history-Nara, the capital older than Kyoto (710 - 794)
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <Nara, the capital older than Kyoto (710-794),...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月3日読了時間: 2分
Topics of Japanese history-Manyoshu, Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <万葉集, Manyoshu, Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves> In the...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月3日読了時間: 1分
Topics of Japanese history-Mausoleum
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) China civilization which has advanced so early has many...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月2日読了時間: 1分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 8-4
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <About Kyoto and Kyoto University > Kyoto University and its...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年2月1日読了時間: 3分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 8-3
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <About Kyoto and Kyoto University > Kyoto Univ. and its...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月31日読了時間: 2分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 8-2
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <About Kyoto and Kyoto University > Kyoto has such...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月29日読了時間: 2分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 8-1
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <About Kyoto and Kyoto University (京都大学,...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月29日読了時間: 2分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 7
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) <Interest of potteries and porcelains> Handmade Shigaraki...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月28日読了時間: 2分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 6
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) About my pottery Although I collect antiques for long times...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月27日読了時間: 2分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 5
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) About My wife's cooking and wine My wife's cooking like the...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月25日読了時間: 1分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 4
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) About Harbin Electric Machinery Company I thank very grateful...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月25日読了時間: 1分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 3
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) About joint research with Tsinghua University, and two...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月23日読了時間: 2分
My recent topics and interests, Episode 2
(by S. Miyauchi, Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) When Dr. Frank Makowski who was in charge of CFD at Ferrari...
MukoGuchi IP Law Firm
2020年1月20日読了時間: 1分
My recent topics and interests, New Year 2018, Episode 1
(by S. Miyauchi Professional Engineer, Doctor of Engineering, JSME Fellow) Dear My Good Friends, I write my recent topics and interests....
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